TFI - Test de français international / TFI

A top quality french test with worldwide recogniton

The test de français international (TFI) is a language test for measuring and certificating the French language skills of non-native speakers, which are working in an professional environment. The Educational Testing Service (ETS) of the american University Princeton developed this test, that is recognized of numerous companys, universities and state institutions. The main difference between TFI and conventional French tests is, that it doesn’t assess regional and cultural language variants.

Since accrediting on January, 1. in 2012 the TFI serves for applying for the French citizenship. At the moment, the test exist in two different forms: as TFI (paperbased test) and TFI naturalisation (paperbased test, where only listening comprehension is tested) for applying for the French citizenship.

Depending on the test, exams in the levels A2-C1 can be carried out according to the specifications of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Normally, participiants receive their results pretty quickly within 7 to 14 days after the day of the exam.

Tricos is one of the germanwide only aprox. 250 licenced examination centers of ETS and can therefore directly in its premises offer and hold TFI exams in the levels A2- C1.